We are excited to share an upcoming career fair specifically geared towards law enforcement community. The NE Florida Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Career Fair will feature career opportunities including sworn, certified, non-certified and civilian positions, and is a fantastic chance to connect with these potential employers directly: Clay County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO), Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office (JSO), Putnam County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), and St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office (SJSO).
Key Highlights (varies by agency):
All participating agencies are committed to equal employment opportunities, ensuring a diverse and inclusive workforce.
This is a free event. Early registration is encouraged at https://www.jaxsheriff.org/Bizforms/Northeast-Florida-Multi-Agency-LE-Career-Fair.aspx
To learn more about each agency:
Event Contact:
Email Recruitment@claysheriff.com
Register at https://www.jaxsheriff.org/Bizforms/Northeast-Florida-Multi-Agency-LE-Career-Fair.aspx